Days Of Our Lives: Plotline Predictions For May 2019

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As we say goodbye to April and hello to May, it’s natural for Days of Our Lives (DOOL) fans to wonder (and try and predict) what will happen next on the soap opera, especially during daytime Sweeps. Below are some crazy and surprising plot predictions that could very well unravel in May 2019.

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13. Abe’s Love Life

It’s about to get very complicated! DOOL spoilers indicate that Abe Carver’s ex, Valerie, is about to make a huge return in early May. With Abe and Sheila getting closer daily, it seems as if Abe may find himself locked in a love triangle and very soon. Having said that, who will Carver choose? He’s typically gotten involved with more respectable women in the past; however, this time around, it seems as if he may decide to go for the “bad” girl.

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12. Jack’s Stunt

DOOL spoilers tease that Jack will pull a stunt of sorts in early May during Salem’s Mayoral Debate, and his target will be Abe Carver. If one could predict what will happen, it seems as if there’s a good chance that Jack will exploit Abe’s growing friendship with Sheila, and with Valerie in town, he may make Abe look like a womanizer. Or, he could very well bring Sheila’s past into light, which could not only hurt Abe’s campaign but their budding relationship too.

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11. J.J. Has Something Up His Sleeve

Jack won’t be the only one up to no good, as Days spoilers hint that his son will make an announcement after the debate as well. But, what could he say that would make Jack look bad? Deveraux did rape Kayla all those years ago, perhaps he reminds the Salem press about this.

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10. Search For Holly

DOOL spoilers indicate that early May will see many multiple characters frantic over the disappearance of Holly, with teasers suggesting that Hope, Eric, and Nicole will race to the scene of an accident, only to discover something horrifying. Does this mean that little Holly won’t make it? Will Salem mourn the loss of this little girl? Spoilers suggest this kidnapping storyline will have a massive effect on many Salem residents once all is said and done.

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9. Rafe’s Job

We all know that Ted is at the helm of Holly’s kidnapping, and Days spoilers also state that Rafe and Hope will be on the hunt to find the little girl. Sadly, this storyline seems to be ending in tragedy; however, teasers also seem to hint that Rafe will make a bad call during the investigation. Could he have fumbled something during the search that jeopardizes Holly’s safety? This not only will cause friction in his relationship with Hope, but also his job as well. He may not be a Salem police officer for long.

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8. New Couples Alert

DOOL spoilers indicate that Rafe will not follow a direct order from Hope during Holly’s search, so would undeniably place a wedge between Rope, and as they don’t know Ted is involved in the child’s kidnapping, it’s easy to see Ted zero in on Hope (even more). If Rafe does lose his job, he may have more time to spend with Baby David and Lani, creating another new couple in town.

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7. Eric & Nicole

Getting back to Nicole and Eric, sadly, their reunion was short-lived because of Holly going missing. If the child ends up coming back to Nicole safely, these two could get a lot closer and fast; however, if she doesn’t, Nicole will be furious and could lash out on Eric. After all, he was supposed to be the child’s legal guardian, but he gave up the fight and handed her over to Chloe.

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6. Chloe Leaves Town

If the unthinkable happens to Holly, and she does not survive this kidnapping, Nicole will also be furious with Chloe. She brought on this danger to Holly, and then shacked up with Stefan DiMera? Nicole will think that Chloe made a bunch of very poor parenting decisions. With the actress who plays Chloe (Nadia Bjorlin) exiting the show, could Holly’s passing be the reason she leaves Salem for good? She could also decide to take Parker into hiding for safety reason.

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5. Maggie Spirals

DOOL spoilers tease that Maggie will be tempted to drink again in early May. It seems she’ll be haunted by past demons, which could mean that she may jump back on the wagon, due to the trauma associated with losing Holly. She’s already lost a son, and losing a granddaughter could be very overwhelming.

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4. Problems With Victor

If Maggie does spiral, could this affect her marriage to Victor? They seem to be okay overall, but a tragedy mixed in with Kate Roberts working at Titan again could spell huge issues for their relationship as May unfolds. Add addiction onto that list, and things don’t look good for this DOOL super couple.

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3. Will’s Medical Condition

DOOL spoilers indicate that things may get worse before they get better for Will, and his medical condition seems to be linked to Dr. Rolf’s cure. This will bring Lucas and Sami back to Salem, as they support their son. Having said that, Jarlena, Sarah, and Rex will embark on an adventure to help Will out, and find some answers around a treatment. This storyline is sure to extend into the summer months, so fans should expect a ton of roadblocks for Will and crew in May.

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2. Claire Gets Exposed

Ciara and Ben will be prompted to invest the cabin fire again, and it seems as if Claire might be on borrowed time in Salem. This will cause Claire to continue to spiral and let her crazy show a little (here and there) as May rolls on. With Sweeps on the horizon, Claire getting exposed for all her wrongdoings seems appropriate. But, will she be hauled off to a facility or will she leave town?

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1. Claire Placed In A Mental Institution

She’s acting more than a little mentally unstable, and being placed in an institution seems about right. While the actress who plays Claire (Olivia Rose Keegan) is said to be exiting the show come summer, if she’s placed in the same facility as Jordan, she could continue to cause a ton of problems in Salem before Keegan leaves. There’s also the potential for a Claire recast at some point.

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Dorathy Gass

Dorathy Gass

Dorathy Gass is an avid fan of daytime drama and has been watching Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, and Young and the Restless for over two decades now. As a full-time freelance writer, she gets to combine her love of soap operas and writing through her Fame 10 articles. Also a mother of two busy girls and a mommy blogger, she's been published multiple times over in Huffington Post Parents and Scary Mommy.