Days Of Our Lives Spoilers For The Week (June 3, 2019)

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Calling all Days of Our Lives (DOOL) fans! What’s in store for Salemites this week? One couple breaks up, while another gets some very bad news. Meanwhile, Ben has a breakthrough and remembers something vital from the cabin fire! Learn about these storylines and others in the DOOL spoilers for the week of June 3, 2019.

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9. Days’ Pre-emptions

Heads up, DOOL fans! Days will not be seen on Thursday, June 6th or Friday, June 7th this week due to the French Open. Not to worry though, the first three days of the week will provide plenty of drama to sink your teeth into. Just remember though, the weekend cliffhanger will most likely take place on Wednesday’s episode.

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8. WilSon Accepts Their Fate

Days spoilers indicate that Sonny and Will accept the fate they’ve been dealt, and will start to come to terms with the idea that there is no hope for Will this week. They’ll start to prepare for Will’s pending death. Good news for DOOL fans is that spoilers are suggesting Will won’t die, but audiences will be treated to a ton of drama before this one gets resolved.

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7. End of Couple?

DOOL spoilers state that Eli will have had just about enough of Lani’s antics this week, and end their relationship. He feels that she cares more about Baby David then their relationship, and Eli won’t be able to understand why Lani feels the need to help Rafe with the baby so much. The two will get into a fight, where Eli dumps his girlfriend.

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6. Stabi Explosion

Speaking of fighting, there will be plenty of it over at the DiMera Mansion. DOOL spoilers suggest that Stefan will let Gabi have it this week, and point the finger of blame around his breakup with Chloe in her direction. He will try to get Chloe to understand just how much he cares about her, and not Gabi, Chloe will fluff him off. After all, she caught them in bed together, there’s no going back for her now.

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5. End Of Stabi?

While DiMera will blame Gabi for his failed budding romance with Chloe, this is not the end of Stabi for good; nope, not by a long shot! DOOL spoilers tease that Gabi will use his broken ties to Chloe as an advantage in her grand scheme. Having said that, Gabi better be careful not to develop feelings for DiMera, this could jeopardize her plan.

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4. Déjà vu?

DOOL spoilers state that Claire will think that Haley is running away with Tripp, and she’ll lose it this week. In a fit of jealous rage, Claire will purposely try to burn down the Horton cabin, with Tripp and Haley locked inside. Here we go again! It won’t be long now before Claire’s little secret is revealed, and all of Salem finds out just how loopy she is.

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3. Ben Remembers

Yes, it’s only a matter of time before Claire is exposed, and this week Ben will remember something huge. DOOL spoilers tease that while under hypnosis, Ben will recall something from the night of the blaze: a ring tone. Of course, it’s coming from Claire’s phone, and it won’t be long before Ben puts two-and-two together.

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2. Maggie’s World

Maggie is back on the bottle and spiraling fast! DOOL spoilers state that she is set to bond with someone unexpected this week, and all arrows seem to be pointing to Nicole/Kristen. Teasers reveal that Maggie could be drunk during this encounter, and knowing DiMera, she’ll take full advantage of the situation.

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1. More Spoilers!

Speaking of Nicole/ Kristen, DOOL spoilers indicate she’ll further torment poor Eric by throwing out another rather appalling accusation his way. Meanwhile, John will bring Sonny into the loop, and tell him all about his suspicions regarding Eve, and Jack has a change of heart when it comes to J.J. Deveraux will offer up a deal of sorts to his son this week.

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Dorathy Gass

Dorathy Gass

Dorathy Gass is an avid fan of daytime drama and has been watching Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, and Young and the Restless for over two decades now. As a full-time freelance writer, she gets to combine her love of soap operas and writing through her Fame 10 articles. Also a mother of two busy girls and a mommy blogger, she's been published multiple times over in Huffington Post Parents and Scary Mommy.