Days Of Our Lives Spoilers For The Week (July 8, 2019)

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As the summer rolls on, Days of Our Lives (DOOL) fans will be treated to another explosive week on the soap opera. A character leaves town (for good); Eve gains some more enemies in Salem; and Hope is hot on the trail of finding out what happened to Ted. Learn about these storylines and others in the DOOL spoilers for the week of July 8, 2019.

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9. “Nicole’s” Shenanigans

“Nicole” will be up to a lot this week. DOOL spoilers indicate that she’ll be shocked to find Ted and Kate in a heated moment, and as the week rolls on, she’ll even reveal her true identity to them. Meanwhile, Kristen will also confront Xander on his betrayal this week, and attack Stefan at some point as well. Kristen/Nicole will be a busy lady!

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8. Xander Gets Grilled

Days spoilers suggest that Xander won’t only get chewed out by Kristen, he’ll also get grilled by Hope. Teasers seem to indicate that Hope and Eli will start to put two-and-two together this week, and will be hot on Xander and “Nicole’s” trail when it comes to finding Ted. In fact, Hope will be on her way to the secret room by week’s end when she decides to follow Xander.

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7. Ted & Kate

DOOL spoilers state that Ted will make a huge confession to Kate, coming clean to his ex. These two being locked up seems to be bringing them closer and closer; should Hope be worried once they are found? This could be the start of a Ted/Hope/Kate love triangle this summer.

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6. Claire’s Goodbye

Days fans knew it was coming, and this week — Claire will finally say goodbye to Salem, as actress Olivia Rose Keegan leaves the show. DOOL spoilers indicate that Shawn and Belle will be quite upset over their daughter’s situation; however, it seems that she will finally get the help she needs. Here’s hoping we see Claire again, someday soon.

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5. Eve Gains Some Enemies

Meanwhile, Eve will gain a ton of enemies when Claire exits. The truth will come out about her role in the young girl’s situation, and she’ll get blasted by Marlena, Ciara, and Hope at different times this week. Eve has never been a popular lady in Salem, and it’ll only get worse in the coming days for her.

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4. Cen Tries To Move On

The aftermath of Claire’s exit will continue this week, as Ben and Ciara reflect on what has happened. Ciara will undeniably feel terrible about how everything has gone down with her niece; however, the two may also feel a sense of relief that it is all over with, and they can move forward from this.

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3. Stabi Exposed

Days spoilers hint that Brady will turn to Chloe and spill the beans around Gabi and her plan to ruin Stefan. Could this slow down the momentum of Stabi? Probably not, well, at least not this week. As the days roll on, Julie will lose her cool when she finds Stefan and Gabi going at in her office.

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2. Tripp’s World

Tripp will slowly start to pick up the pieces this week after everything he has been through as of late. DOOL spoilers reveal that he’ll get to reconnect with friend Haley, and as the days fly by he’ll welcome some new roommates into the apartment. Here’s hoping he gets the good fresh start he deserves.

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1. Sarah Deals With Issues

Sarah has a ton on her plate this week, as DOOL spoilers suggest that Rex reluctantly makes a confession to her. This doesn’t sound good at all; however, it could be some cracks in the foundation of this relationship, which may lead to a breakup. In other Sarah spoilers, it gets even worse for her when she finds mom Maggie in a weak spot. Will she see her drunk, or struggling for alcohol?

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Dorathy Gass

Dorathy Gass

Dorathy Gass is an avid fan of daytime drama and has been watching Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, and Young and the Restless for over two decades now. As a full-time freelance writer, she gets to combine her love of soap operas and writing through her Fame 10 articles. Also a mother of two busy girls and a mommy blogger, she's been published multiple times over in Huffington Post Parents and Scary Mommy.