Bold And The Beautiful: Spoilers For July 2019

© Howard Wise/

Calling all Bold and the Beautiful (B&B) fans! Seems as if July promises to be an interesting and explosive month! Learn more about what will happen to Flo, Wyatt, Liam, Steffy, Hope, Thomas, Ridge, Brooke, and others in the B&B crazy and surprising spoilers for July 2019!

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12. Celebration Time…For Now

Staring off B&B spoilers for July with some feel-good news, as Wyatt and Flo decide to celebrate! The reason? Well, they are going to take that next step in their relationship and move in together. This should be interesting on so many levels, but will the couple rise to the occasion or will Flo’s secret come out this month and ruin everything?

© Howard Wise/

11. Liam Is Drugged

Now onto some Thomas drama, as B&B spoilers suggest that he will be quite pleased with how his scheme to drug Liam rolls out. Hope will see Liam acting weird, and she’ll be very surprised by his behavior, which will make Thomas feel as if he’s scored a huge win with this plan; however, the craziness doesn’t end there.

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10. Liam Feels Guilty

B&B spoilers state that the drug Thomas slips Liam at an Independence Day party will not only having him acting weird, but also will lower his inhibitions. In fact, he and Steffy will end up having sex once everyone has left. While the two do have a tender moment together, Liam will feel guilty about what he’s done and how it’ll affect Hope.

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9. Truth Revealed

In fact, Liam will feel so guilty about what he’s done in early July that B&B spoilers indicate he will approach Hope and tell her about his one-night stand with Steffy at the beach party. Needless to say, she won’t be happy at all about what she’s heard and it will end up being a huge sore spot for Hope as the month rolls on.

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8. Thomas’ Evil Proposal Plot

B&B spoilers indicate that Thomas will use Douglas in his attempts to get closer to Hope. He has marriage on the brain, and he’ll prompt Douglas to help him in this regard. Teasers seem to indicate that Douglas will be coached by Thomas to ask Hope to marry his daddy, but what will Hope’s answer be? It looks like it might be a yes, so there could a Hope and Thomas wedding this month.

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7. Thomas Will Propose

B&B spoilers are hinting that while Douglas’ “proposal” to Hope will be darling, despite the poor kid being manipulated around the entire thing, Thomas will still have something up his sleeve so that he can propose to Hope himself, as the month of July progresses.

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6. Ridge Works Hard To Support Thomas

B&B spoilers indicate that Ridge will work hard in July to ensure that Liam and Brooke don’t spoil proposal plans for Thomas. Seems as if he really wants to this to happen, and he doesn’t want anyone getting in Thomas’ way. If he only knew what Thomas was up to, he may think differently.

© Howard Wise/

5. Steffy Confronts Thomas

Meanwhile, B&B spoilers hint that Steffy will approach Thomas and the two will have a confrontation of sorts about him manipulating Hope and Liam. While Steffy and Liam will have a one-nighter in early July, she may also have her own suspicions around what Thomas is really up to.

© Howard Wise/

4. Xander Looks For Help

B&B spoilers indicate that come July, Xander will start looking for help to bring Thomas down. While reaching out to someone who is not inside ‘the circle’ will be risky, it seems as if Xander will feel it’s a risk he has to take. He’ll start to believe that Thomas is someone that needs to be stopped, and he’ll turn to Charlie Webber for some assistance.

© Howard Wise/

3. Xander Works To Take Down Thomas

B&B spoilers reveal that moving forward in July, Xander will work hard at gathering clues to try and nail Thomas down. He may be hoping that he can review some parking lot security tapes with Charlie in hopes to get a good view of Thomas following Emma’s car to nab him for her death.

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2. Charlie & Xander Alliance?

B&B spoilers suggest that Charlie could very well help Xander in this pursuit, but it is unclear as to whether or not they will “work together.” After all, Xander is taking a huge risk reaching out to Charlie, so to cover his tracks, he may tell Charlie a lie about why he needs to check out any surveillance tapes.

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1. Death On The Horizon

Here’s hoping that Xander can find out the information he needs in time to stop Thomas. Not only for Hope’s sake, but everyone else’s. B&B spoilers tease there very well could be another death on the horizon and soon, so all characters better buckle down. Having said that, is Xander sealing his fate by trying to go against Thomas? Only time will tell!

© Howard Wise/
Dorathy Gass

Dorathy Gass

Dorathy Gass is an avid fan of daytime drama and has been watching Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, and Young and the Restless for over two decades now. As a full-time freelance writer, she gets to combine her love of soap operas and writing through her Fame 10 articles. Also a mother of two busy girls and a mommy blogger, she's been published multiple times over in Huffington Post Parents and Scary Mommy.