The month of May on the Bold And The Beautiful (B&B) will see Thomas making more shocking moves to get what he wants. And now that she knows she’s a Logan, Flo will feel like she’s under even more pressure. Viewers are also speculating that someone else will learn the baby switch secret and keep it to themselves. Read on for more B&B crazy plotline predictions for May 2019.
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12. Under Pressure
Now that Brooke, Katie and Donna know Flo is Storm’s daughter, Brooke has also come to the realization that baby Phoebe is also a Logan. Brooke will suggest to Flo and Shauna that Flo should reconsider her decision to give up Phoebe. She will encourage Flo to take her baby back from Steffy. Of course, Brooke has no idea baby Phoebe is and always was a Logan since she’s Hope’s daughter baby Beth. She also won’t give a thought to how this meddling could affect Steffy (has she ever?) or her own marriage.
© Howard Wise/