Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers For The Week (June 17, 2019)

© Howard Wise/

Thomas persists in playing his manipulative games with Hope’s heart and Brooke is onto him, this week on the Bold & The Beautiful (B&B). Also, Steffy and Flo push back when Liam and Wyatt plan a get-together. Plus, a sneak peek at next week. Learn more below in the B&B spoilers for the week of June 17, 2019.

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9. Missing Photo

Something precious to Hope will go missing this week. Some spoilers are indicating that Thomas will delete a photo of Liam from her phone. But viewers are also speculating that what Hope could lose will be none other than the sonogram photo of Beth. Spoilers tease Hope will become very upset when she can’t find it. Chances are good that Thomas will have disposed of it somehow. Whichever photo it is, Thomas will not want his new conquest obsessing over it and will figure if the photo is out of her sight, it will also be out of her mind.

© Howard Wise/

8. Forrester Original

Spoilers tease Thomas will design a Forrester original for Hope and present it to her this week. He will also kiss her again. Although she’s still trying to get over her marriage ending, she will be moved by Thomas’ romantic gesture. He’s made it no secret that he’s in love with her and she has made it no secret that she’s still in love with Liam. But will she begin to open her heart to Thomas?

© Howard Wise/

7. Heightened Obsession

Thomas’ obsession with Hope will continue and according to spoilers it gets even worse. Now that he’s decided to keep the baby Beth secret, he will keep up his merciless gaslighting this week. More than likely, he’ll tell her about how happy Liam is to be living there with Kelly and Phoebe. He may even speculate that it looks like there will soon be a Steam reunion. Even though Hope annulled her marriage to Liam for the sake of the children, it will still upset her. And of course, Thomas will be there to comfort her through it all.

© Howard Wise/

6. Mama Bear Brooke

Rumor has it, Brooke will go into mama bear mode to protect Hope. She’s onto Thomas and knows he’s using his son Douglas as a pawn to win Hope’s affections. This week, Brooke will tell Hope to be wary of Thomas. She will also call Thomas out for trying to control Hope, and she’s not the only one.

© Howard Wise/

5. Xander Loses His Temper

Xander has had just about enough of keeping the baby Beth secret from Hope and Liam. This week, he becomes even more exasperated about it and rumor has it, he will lose his temper. He’s also angry with Thomas for continuing to manipulate Hope and will let him have it. Spoilers indicate Xander will blow up at Thomas. Also, his relationship with Zoe is crumbling and it will continue to fall apart. And despite his girlfriend’s pleas and Thomas’ threats, Xander will still be determined to expose the truth.

© Howard Wise/

4. Emma Barber Is Back

In casting news, Nia Sioux will return to B&B as Emma Barber, beginning June 19. It looks like once Emma returns to work at Forrester Creations, she will quickly realize something is amiss with her coworkers. Considering The Three Stooges can’t stop talking about the Baby Beth secret where others can easily overhear them, how soon will it be before Emma is privy to this information? And if she does find out this week, will her life be in danger?

© Howard Wise/

3. Social Gathering

Liam and Wyatt decide it would be a good idea to get together for an evening with Flo and Steffy. Flo hesitates, as she knows she will have to put on a show, pretending to be baby Phoebe’s birth mother. All the while, she will be feeling guilty about her part in placing this baby in Steffy’s home. And although Steffy likes Flo, the idea of Phoebe’s birth mother coming over to her home is a little unsettling for her. It should make for an uncomfortable evening all around.

© Howard Wise/

2. Phoebe Discussion

It looks like the get-together will go ahead and Flo and Wyatt will pay a visit to Steffy and Liam at the cliff house this week. Spoilers show Steffy and Flo will discuss baby Phoebe and how she’s thriving with Steffy as her mom and how much they’ve bonded. They will both agree, for different reasons, that Phoebe is definitely a Logan. Flo, of course, will feel guilty afterwards when she sees how Steffy has bonded with Hope’s baby. She knows once the secret comes out, Steffy will be devastated and heartbroken. Flo is also concerned about what Wyatt’s reaction will be if he ever finds out Phoebe is Beth.

© Howard Wise/

1. Sneak Peek – Week Of June 24

Spoilers tease that the baby Beth secret will result in someone’s death next week. But who will it be? Xander is a likely candidate, but with Emma just returning to the canvas, it seems even more likely it could be her. Also, Joe LoCicero will debut in a recurring role as Vincent Walker. Vincent has been described as Thomas’ nefarious colleague. Will he have something to do with the dark turn B&B will take, resulting in a character’s demise?  Stay tuned!

© Howard Wise/
Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie is a freelance writer who has a passion for Stephen King novels, Outlander, sci-fi movies and soap operas, especially the Bold And The Beautiful and the Young And The Restless. Her favorite pastime is getting together with a good friend and having a laugh.