Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers For The Week (July 8, 2019)

© Howard Wise/

With Charlie’s help, Xander finds proof against Thomas in Emma’s death, this week on the Bold & The Beautiful (B&B). Also, with Thomas clearly established as the evil bad guy in the baby Beth saga, will a second deadly villain emerge? And Liam is shocked when he learns Hope is engaged. Plus, a sneak peek at next week. Learn more below in the B&B spoilers for the week of July 8, 2019.

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10. Xander Finds Proof

With Charlie’s help, Xander will find the evidence he needs to prove that Thomas played a role in Emma’s death. B&B spoilers show that Charlie, who will be back on the B&B canvas on July 8, will find camera footage of Thomas and Emma arguing and show it to Xander. But what will Xander do with this information?

© Howard Wise/

9. Ultimatum For Zoe

Spoilers indicate once Xander has found the proof about Thomas, he will give his girlfriend Zoe an ultimatum. Since he found out about the baby Beth secret, Xander has become increasingly agitated with Zoe and her insistence that they keep the secret from Hope. She has even excused Thomas’ threats, and this week she will stun Xander by defending Thomas. Xander will give Zoe one last chance to come clean. When she refuses to do so, he will break up with her and tell her he’s going to disclose the secret to Hope and Liam.

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8. Villain Number Two?

When Zoe first arrived in LA last year, she wasn’t exactly the perfect picture of mental health. She stalked Xander, stole Sally’s computer and sent Emma death threats. B&B Executive Producer Bradley Bell has teased there could be more than one villain in the baby Beth saga. Could Zoe be villain number two? Will she and Xander get into a fierce argument that somehow causes his death?

© Howard Wise/

7. Sally Takes Advantage

Still angry that Wyatt has moved on with Flo so quickly after their break-up, Sally will manipulate the newly minted Logan, so she can spend some time alone with Wyatt. Spoilers tease Sally will send Flo on some Forrester errands. It wasn’t so long ago that Sally exited the revolving door to Wyatt’s bedroom, just as Flo slipped inside it, and she has lamented her decision ever since. She recently told her ex he would regret breaking up with her. “The joke is on you, Wyatt,” Sally said. “Because one day you are going to realize that I am really the one that got away.” But how will Sally take advantage of her stolen time with Wyatt?

© Howard Wise/

6. Hope Says Yes

Extremely hurt that Liam has already moved on with Steffy, or so she thinks, Hope will say yes to Thomas’ marriage proposal. As B&B viewers know, Thomas could care less what Hope’s reasons are, as long as she says her “I do’s” to him in the end. Viewers can expect both Brooke and Liam to go ballistic when they catch wind of Hope’s happy news.

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5. Steam Is Shocked

Rumor has it, Steffy and Liam will get some surprising news this week and it looks like someone will tell them Hope and Thomas are engaged. Will Thomas pay a visit to the cliff house to gloat? Steffy will be stunned but Liam will be extremely concerned for Hope’s welfare. He doesn’t trust Thomas and will rush to the cabin to confront Hope about her decision.

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4. Evil Bad Guy

Spoilers tease Liam will make a touching admission to Hope. He will tell her he still loves her and will beg her not to marry Thomas. Hope is shocked by Liam’s attitude toward Thomas, as she feels he’s been a good friend to her while she’s gone through such a tough time in her life. “You’re making him sound like he’s some evil bad guy,” Hope said to Liam recently. “Because he is an evil bad guy!” Liam replied; his voice filled with frustration. Hope will find out soon enough just how evil Thomas really is, but will it be too late by then to repair her relationship with Liam?

© Howard Wise/

3. Brooke And Ridge Disagree

Shocked when she hears about her daughter’s engagement, Brooke will vow to do anything she can to stop Hope from marrying Ridge’s son Thomas. On the other hand, Ridge is happy for both of his children. With Steffy and Liam back together and Thomas engaged to Hope, he thinks all is right in the world, as far as his children are concerned. Brooke has the opposite viewpoint and once again it will cause a Bridge disagreement.

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2. Xander Confronts Thomas

Xander will confront Thomas this week with the evidence he has uncovered in Emma’s untimely death. Doing so will put his life in grave danger. All of Thomas’ manipulations are about to come to fruition since Hope has agreed to marry him, and Thomas knows he can’t let anything get in the way of that. He will begin to wonder if he will need to eliminate Xander.

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1. Sneak Peek – Week Of July 15

Spoilers tease a Thope wedding is coming up next week. But is Hope really determined to move on and make a new life with Thomas and Douglas? Or will she marry Thomas to punish Liam for sleeping with her Sister Wife Steffy? If so, it won’t be the first time she marries someone else to spite The Waffler. Viewers will recall that a few years ago Hope married Wyatt because Liam was a few minutes late meeting her at the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Also, Ridge will confront Brooke about her negativity toward Thomas. Will Ridge’s actions cause yet another rift in their marriage? Stay tuned!

© Howard Wise/
Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie is a freelance writer who has a passion for Stephen King novels, Outlander, sci-fi movies and soap operas, especially the Bold And The Beautiful and the Young And The Restless. Her favorite pastime is getting together with a good friend and having a laugh.