Bold And The Beautiful: Plotline Predictions For June 2019

© Howard Wise/

Thomas will accidentally find out the baby switch secret and will confront Flo, this month on the Bold And The Beautiful (B&B). Viewers are also speculating that Xander’s life will be in danger. Also, Hope and Liam end their marriage, but will it pave the way for a Steam reunion? Read on for more B&B crazy plotline predictions for June 2019.

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12. June Wedding Bells?

Bill’s changed man status made him realize the priority in his life should be his ex-wife and his son. Now that Katie and Bill are engaged and back on solid footing, the next logical step would be to tie the knot. This month, Katie and Will move back in with Bill. But will Batie make it official with a June wedding?

© Howard Wise/

11. Crumbling Bridge

Ridge is hoping Liam will step-up and do the right thing and reunite with his daughter Steffy. At the same time, Brooke will be pushing Hope, trying to convince her that leaving Liam won’t end the pain she’s in. Discussing their children will also cause several arguments to erupt between Ridge and Brooke this month. And spoilers tease Ridge will start to be concerned that Hope, Steffy and Thomas’ problems will adversely affect his marriage.

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10. Thomas’ Connection To Flo

There has been some viewer speculation that Thomas knows Flo. He mentioned to Ridge that her name sounded familiar. And interestingly enough, he still hasn’t run into her at Forrester or anywhere else yet. Rumor has it, he will spot her at Forrester this month and realize he remembers her from a trip he’d taken to Vegas last year.

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9. Ridge’s Accusation

Ridge will discover that Thomas knew Flo in Vegas and he will confront his son with a surprising accusation. He will allege that Thomas is baby Phoebe’s bio dad. Thomas, of course, will deny this vehemently, but is it possible he had a one-night stand with Flo in Vegas? Even if Thomas and Flo did hook-up, viewers know there was no baby. But will Thomas start to wonder if Phoebe could be his child?

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8. Doubting Thomas

If Thomas does have any doubts, they won’t last long when he accidentally finds out the baby Beth secret this month. And rumor has it he will be incredulous. Thomas may be painted as a villain on the B&B canvas these days, but even he wouldn’t stoop so low as to be involved in a baby switching scheme. He knows a secret this huge will not only affect his relationship with Hope, but it will break Steffy’s heart if she must give up her adopted daughter Phoebe. Flo will break down and try to justify her actions. She will also beg him to keep the secret from Hope and Liam? But will he?

© Howard Wise/

7. Stick A Fork In Lope, They’re Done

Even though spoilers are indicating Xander will burst in as Hope and Liam are signing their annulment papers, the Lope marriage will end. A spoiler photo shows Xander outside the Forrester estate speaking with Thomas. Viewers know Thomas is thrilled that Hope is leaving Liam to focus her efforts on his son Douglas. He doesn’t want anyone to stop this from happening. Is this how Thomas accidentally finds out the baby Beth secret? Will he stop Xander from revealing the truth?

© Howard Wise/

6. Zoe Questions Xander’s Feelings

Xander will be stopped from doing the right thing and telling Lope the truth about baby Beth. He will be adamant, however, that he will find a way to tell Liam and Hope. This will cause Zoe’s insecurities to return full force and she will begin to question Xander’s feelings for her. Zoe seems willing to do anything it takes to make sure the secret never comes to light, but could this include harming her boyfriend to shut him up?

© Howard Wise/

5. Will Xander Die?

B&B Executive Producer and Head Writer Bradley Bell has mentioned multiple deaths will occur before the baby Beth secret is finally revealed. The first casualty is likely going to be Xander. Now that he’s privy to this confidential information, his life will be in grave danger. It’s no secret that Adain Bradley’s (Xander) star is on the rise, with movie and TV offers. But will Xander leave the show in June and will his exit from B&B be a permanent one?

© Howard Wise/

4. It’s Getting Steamy In LA

As much as Steffy says she is all for Hope and Liam staying together, the large Steam picture hanging in her living room says otherwise. Thomas even mentioned it recently, when Steffy was saying she’s fine with raising the girls by herself. “What is this doing here,” he said, as he pointed to the portrait. Spoilers tease Steffy will offer to let Liam move into her house and be a full-time dad to Kelly and Phoebe. But once bitten, twice shy and Steffy reuniting with Liam has come back to bite her more than once. So, is she willing to put her heart on the line and go down that path once again?

© Howard Wise/

3. Pregnant For Real?

Another couple that will be steaming up viewer’s screens this June are Wyatt and Flo. Having just rediscovered their connection, these two will not be able to keep their hands off each other. Quinn and Shauna will be thrilled that their children have reconnected. There is also speculation Flo could find herself pregnant for real this time. But even with a possible upcoming pregnancy, how long can this couple last, considering the horrible secret Flo is harboring?

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2. New Couple?

Another rumor making the rounds is that since both Liam and Sally are now single, it’s possible they could hook up. Sally fell in love with Liam when he played hero for her against his father Bill. She even fantasized about being married to him, so the attraction for her is real. The pair shared a kiss when they thought they were going to die in the rubble that used to be the Spectra Fashions building. It was Liam’s confession to that kiss that led to Steffy sleeping with Bill and the Steam marriage ending. Both Liam and Sally are hurting these days, having been rejected by their partners. Will they find comfort in each other’s arms?

© Howard Wise/

1. The High Life

Flo’s remorse and self-reproach are never-ending and the month of June will be no different for her. Sure, she’s enjoying her new life as a Logan, living on the Forrester estate and dating a Spencer, no less. But living the high life still has a sour taste for Flo, since her cousin Hope is suffering because of the lie she was involved in. Will she finally do what her conscience has been telling her all along and reveal the baby Beth secret this month? Stay tuned!

© Howard Wise/
Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie is a freelance writer who has a passion for Stephen King novels, Outlander, sci-fi movies and soap operas, especially the Bold And The Beautiful and the Young And The Restless. Her favorite pastime is getting together with a good friend and having a laugh.