Bold And The Beautiful: Spoilers For June 2019

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Hope and Liam sign annulment papers and end their marriage, this month on the Bold And The Beautiful (B&B). But will the end of Lope lead to a Steam reunion? Also, now that Katie and Bill are back together, will they make it official with a June wedding?  And Executive Producer Bradley Bell has teased that multiple deaths could occur before the baby swap secret is revealed. Which characters could be at risk and will someone die this month? Read on for more B&B crazy and shocking spoilers for June 2019.

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12. Another Annulment

B&B’s in-house lawyer Carter Walton will return in June to file annulment papers for Liam and Hope as they end their marriage. The Waffler has had so many of his marriages annulled, he should be able to file the papers himself at this point. He’s had at least two of his marriages to Steffy annulled, his marriage to Ivy was also annulled and now his marriage to Hope is being annulled. This is the first time, however, that he is the one being served with papers and Liam will be wishing Hope will change her mind at the last minute. But will she?

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11. Carter’s Sage Advice

When the two of them are alone, Carter will ask Hope why she’s ending her marriage to Liam. He knows the couple love each other and he doesn’t understand why they are seeking an annulment. Thomas will listen in on Carter’s advice to Hope and he will not be happy about it. B&B spoilers tease Carter will encourage Hope to reconsider her decision and Thomas will confront him about it afterward.

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10. Pursuit Continues

Hope has resigned herself to a selfless life of caring for Douglas alongside his father Thomas. Spoilers indicate that although she has left Liam, this month she continues to make it perfectly clear to Thomas that their relationship will be a platonic one. For Hope, it’s all about Douglas and her ability to be there for him while he grieves the death of his mother Caroline. On the flip side, Douglas is helping to mend her broken heart over the death of her daughter Beth. For Thomas, it’s all about the endgame. And now that he’s managed to break up Lope, he feels he can win Hope’s affections, despite her protests to the contrary.

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9. Untimely Demise?

Xander has uncovered the terrible secret that was weighing on his girlfriend. He had tried to get her to open up to him about what was wrong, but she kept putting him off, telling him she could deal with it. Now that he knows the truth, he will rush to Forrester to tell Hope and Liam before they sign the papers annulling their marriage. Will Zoe be right behind him and convince him not to say anything? Or, as rumor has it, will Xander meet with an unfortunate accident and be killed off before he gets a chance to spill the beans?

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8. Even More Casualties?

In an interview with Michael Fairman, B&B’s Bradley Bell hinted at more than one death occurring before the baby swap is revealed. “We’ve got all the great elements,” Bell said. “We’ve got a great romance, we have villains emerging, we’re going to have people dying, we’re going to have everything you need.” So, if Xander does die, who else could perish before Hope and Liam hear the truth? Likely candidates include Zoe and her father Reese but even Shauna and Flo could be at risk. What about Maya? Does Xander tell his cousin the secret before something terrible happens to him? And could it put her in peril?

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7. Thomas Learns The Truth

Spoilers indicate that in mid-June, Thomas will also become privy to the baby Beth secret. Flo will panic when he finds out, thinking he may tell someone else. The character of Thomas could redeem himself if he went to Hope with the truth, but viewers know this wouldn’t fit with Thomas’ agenda. He too will keep the secret, but will knowing the truth put his life in danger?

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6. Mending Her Broken Heart

Sally Spectra will still be upset over her breakup with Wyatt and will be licking her wounds during the month of June. Spoilers tease the new coupling of Wyatt and Flo will make her healing process that much more difficult. She’ll run into the pair as they’re enjoying a romantic evening at Bikini Bar. Sally will reflect on the fateful evening she met Wyatt there, just after she had returned to LA. But now that Wyatt and Sally are over, will she find love again with someone new?

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5. How Deep Is Your Love?

Flo and Wyatt will continue to get closer and will fall deeply in love this month. Wyatt, of course, will have no idea that his reunion with his high school sweetheart could lead to one of the worst heartbreaks of his life. The closer Flo and Wyatt get, the worse it will be for both when Flo’s reprehensible secret comes out. It will make Sally’s omission about her conversations with Thomas seem very mild in comparison.

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4. Gold Digger

Shauna and her daughter have moved to the Forrester estate and Shauna couldn’t be happier. She’s had dollar signs in her eyes since she found out Quinn had married a millionaire and Flo was a Logan. This month, Shauna will continue to urge her daughter to exploit her Logan status for all it’s worth. Shauna knows if Hope and Liam find out about the baby swap secret and Flo’s part in it, their cushy new life will come crashing down around them like a house of cards. So, she will keep pushing Flo to set aside her guilt and enjoy the perks that life is currently offering them.

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3. Cracking Bridge

Ridge and Brooke will continue to bicker about their children during the month of June. Brooke will still be annoyed with her husband regarding his attitude towards Hope and Liam’s breakup. Ridge will continue to defend Thomas’ actions in trying to do what’s right for his son and for Steffy’s two children. But could their bickering lead to a breakup?

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2. June Wedding

Just as Bridge’s relationship begins to crack, Katie and Bill’s connection is more solid than ever. Now that Bill passed her test and Katie has accepted his proposal, can a wedding be far behind for Batie?  Katie and Will are going to move back into Bill’s estate this month. After playing cupid for his parents recently, Will is thrilled his family has been reunited. But will he be attending their nuptials during the month of June?

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1. Steam Reunion On The Way?

Even though she had asked Hope to reconsider ending her marriage to Liam, Steffy will begin to fondly reminisce about her relationship with her ex. She’s also gotten encouragement from her brother Thomas and father Ridge to do the right thing and raise Kelly and Phoebe in a two-parent household. But Steffy has repeatedly stated that when she handed the Flip Flopper over to her Sister Wife last year, she had chosen herself over the Triangle of Doom. However, spoilers tease Liam will be around more often this month, visiting with her and the girls. Once he’s officially single, will Steffy reconsider her decision and ask him to move in with them? And more importantly, will viewers see a Steam reunion in June? Stay tuned!

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Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie Byrne

Bonnie is a freelance writer who has a passion for Stephen King novels, Outlander, sci-fi movies and soap operas, especially the Bold And The Beautiful and the Young And The Restless. Her favorite pastime is getting together with a good friend and having a laugh.