Young And The Restless: Plotline Predictions For July 2019

© Howard Wise/

Summer is in full swing within the land of Genoa City! As everyone gears up to enjoy the hot sun and warmer weather, storylines are sure to hit fever-pitch on the Young and the Restless (Y&R). With a slew of characters returns, and some more potentially on the horizon, below are some crazy and surprising Y&R plotline predictions for July 2019.

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12. Nick Let’s His Guard Down

With Nick and Chelsea teaming up to keep Adam away from their boys, it’s only natural for some sparks to fly between these two. With that said, Chelsea is married, so could these two cross the line while trying to battle Adam this month? Of course! Marriage means nothing in the land of soap operas!

© Howard Wise/

11. Chelsea Blackmailed

Sure, Chelsea seems “happily married,” but for the amount of time she’s been away, it’s hard to believe she’s so hung up on a man she may barely knows, especially since there still seems to be feelings lingering between her and Nick. Plus, hubby Calvin Boudreau doesn’t really seem like Lawson’s type. Could there be more to this man than meets the eye? Could he be blackmailing Chelsea into marriage?

© Howard Wise/

10. Nick Kidnaps Connor

As the month of July rolls on, Nick very well could get desperate. After all, while he has been the only father Christian knows, he’s not his bio dad, and most courts would allow custody to Adam at this point in time. It’s not Adam’s fault that everyone thought he was dead, right? In a crazy move, Nick could kidnap Connor and whisk him away somewhere unknown. He could very well get away with this, especially with Victor’s help.

© Howard Wise/

9. Avery Heads Back To Town

On the other side of things, Nick also could get caught and face a ton of legal charges. Sure, Michael seems to always be Nick’s go-to when it comes to anything he needs in the courtroom, but could Avery also come rushing to her ex’s side in July to help? The actress who played the character, Jessica Collins, has teased on social media that she could be returning to the show.

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8. There For Adam

Avery could also return to simply help Nick with his custody battle, or even help Adam. She’s always had a soft spot in her heart for the underdog. Nick currently has Michael in his corner, so Adam could be the one to reach out to Avery, asking for help. He not only wants Christian back, but Connor and Chelsea too, so he will not stop at anything to make this a reality, and gaining custody of Christian is the first step when it comes to gaining his old life back.

© Howard Wise/

7. Chloe Softens To Adam

Speaking of, Chloe’s had nothing but hate for Adam since she found out he was the reason behind Delia’s death. The two had a conversation last week, where Adam revealed how hard it was to live with the idea that he hurt and killed a child. Seems like Chloe might be seeing him in a different light moving forward. Could we see these two become friends? Maybe even more?

© Howard Wise/

6. Sharon And Adam Hook Up

It’ll be a long while before Y&R fans see any hooking up between Chloe and Adam (if that how this storyline would move forward), so July would offer some hints and teases with chemistry between these two. Having said that, there have been tons of sparks flying between Sharon and Adam, and it’s only a matter of time for this former couple to “give in” to their urges.

© Howard Wise/

5. Kola Cracks

Y&R spoilers suggest some cracks in the Lola and Kyle relationship this summer, thanks to the arrival of mom Celeste. She’s moving in with the couple soon, which is never a good thing, but might prove to be disastrous for Kola as they are just getting used to living together. It’s hard enough living with someone you love, it’s even harder living with someone who doesn’t exactly approve of you.

© Howard Wise/

4. Kyle’s Attracted To Celeste

Celeste would be a perfect fit for Kyle’s father Jack, and there’s a good chance that these two could come together at some point this July. After all, their kids are getting married! Lola clearly gets her good looks from momma, so will it be awkward for Kyle living with his hot soon-to-be mother-in-law? Could this be what causes the downfall of Kola in the end?

© Howard Wise/

3. Jack and Lauren Get A Little Closer

Hard not to see that Lauren and Jack may continue to get a little closer this July, and business dealings could play a role in this. Could they end up crossing the line? Y&R spoilers indicate that Michael will explore his dark side this summer, which could lead Lauren right into Jack’s arms if she needs that kind of support.

© Howard Wise/

2. Victor Struggles

Seems as if The Moustache will embark on some risky experimental treatments to battle his current condition. Y&R spoilers seem to hint that Victor might have to deal with side effects of the therapy, so could this mean he loses his sight? Maybe his hearing? Perhaps movement within his body will be affected, where he’ll require a wheelchair? It’ll be hard for Victor to struggle in this regard, and even for Nikki to see him like this. July may prove to be a hard month for The Moustache and his family.

© Sean Smith/

1. Lily Returns

Cane and Traci have been getting a lot closer, and they probably will continue to in the coming weeks, as July turns into August. It’s taken a long while for Cane to accept the fact that Lily wanted to separate, and allowing to let go of that relationship has helped him explore this one. But, what would happen if Lily returned to town, deciding that she’s missed him and the kids, asking for another shot at their relationship and marriage?

© Howard Wise/
Dorathy Gass

Dorathy Gass

Dorathy Gass is an avid fan of daytime drama and has been watching Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, and Young and the Restless for over two decades now. As a full-time freelance writer, she gets to combine her love of soap operas and writing through her Fame 10 articles. Also a mother of two busy girls and a mommy blogger, she's been published multiple times over in Huffington Post Parents and Scary Mommy.