Historical biopics have a manner of luring in a loyal audience, scoring critical praise and winning stacks of accolades. All too often, these biopics miss the mark when considering historical fact. Historical fiction is one thing, but pawning something off as a “true” story, and changing the story for the sake of dramatic effect is a bit of a dupe. It’s so easy to take liberties with a story that needs a little “jazzing up,” but some of these films go so far out of bounds to manipulate history, they need to be held in check. Here are 13 we’re wagging a finger at.
13. Jobs
Ashton Kutcher seems obsessed with being taken seriously as an actor. And kudos to Ashton for having two pretty stellar modes on-screen: goofy and not goofy. In Jobs, we get not goofy Ashton at his best, in his coveted turn as Steve Jobs, but the film was so surface level it begged other writers and producers to scoff with a hard sigh through the nose, and get to work on a legitimate Jobs biopic. Jobs paints Steve as a cool dude who invented some cool stuff, but if never dives into what produced the products so many Apple loyalists consider life-essential. We never really see the drug-fueled, wife-leavin’, “I have kids?” Steve Jobs, painting the most accurate picture of who the man really was. Steve Jobs wasn’t just an edgy innovator… he was an impatient jerk. The new Danny Boyle biopic, Steve Jobs, is far more accurate.
Photo by Rex – Snap Stills / Rex Features