There’s nothing like a list to drum up a little controversy. Fans, feel free to jump down to the comments section. Your sound-offs are much appreciated, but if we’ll all first consider… the following pop stars/rappers/musicians have embarked on a journey that has led to a path of poor sustainability. Whether drugs, alcohol, hypersexuality, body modification or a panache for physical violence, choices that once seemed appealing to these artists may soon (or have already) become consuming and destructive to a career.
9. Justin Bieber
Ah, the Biebs. It took a lot of doing for Justin Bieber to alienate some of his most loyal fans, but 2014 was a rough year for the young pop star. In fairness to Justin, it seems he has turned a corner, and here’s to hoping he can stay out of trouble and be a better guy. Still, he’s at a crossroads: he has to embark on a little something called adulthood. Justin’s biggest problem: (fans, avert your eyes) he has no real life experience, no understanding or foresight and is pretty ignorant when it comes to the most basic tenets of living life as an adult. Everyone from family to friends have leeched on the poor kid, and in the process, created a one-dimensional dude who has legitimate hangups in expressing himself. Will his talent sustain? Sure. At the manic level it has in the past? No way.
Photo By: James Atoa/Everett Collection