You know how people say that dog owners begin to look like their dogs? Well, we’re concerned that some Hollywood celebrities have begun to look like the characters they’ve played on-screen. It seems like method acting has gone a little too far! Here are 8 stars who have become just like their on-screen characters, for better or for worse:
8. Ben Affleck/Nick Dunne
Ben Affleck gave a memorable performance as a philandering husband-turned-murder-suspect Nick Dunne in Gone Girl. In the film, he looked much more scruffy and messy than the real-life Ben, and Nick’s troubled marriage didn’t seem to bear any resemblance to Ben’s real-world relationship with Jennifer Garner. But now that Ben and Jen have announced that they’re getting a divorce, Ben is starting to look more and more like Nick. Rumors have swirled that Ben might have had a relationship with the couple’s nanny, the way that Nick in the film had a relationship with a young student. And when paparazzi have caught Ben out and about, he’s looked rather rough around the edges, with his graying beard and his penchant for cigarettes. Someone had better keep an eye on Jennifer Garner, or she might disappear!
© Debbie Vanstory/ABACA.