It wasn’t too long ago that it wasn’t typical for television series to feature a gay character as part of the main cast, let alone a romantically linked gay couple. Thankfully, times have changed and today our favorite television series provide a more accurate depiction of our society with a wide range of characters, relationships and blended families. Shows like Will and Grace served to break new ground for the gay community, and networks have since then been more frequent and reliable in creating a more diverse cast for television series across all social spectrum’s. There are plenty of leading gay couples in a series, but this is a small list of our favorite gay couples featured in a television series.
5. Emily and Paige: Pretty Little Liars
We must admit Emily and Paige’s relationship started on rocky ground with a general distaste for one another. But as the show moved forward with both characters, a relationship began to unfold between the two, and it was soon quite clear that this wasn’t going to be the typical fling in the moment kind of relationship that is often seen on a television series such as this one. Paige and Emily shared a deeply protective bond and the fans grew to love the two of them together. For a while it seemed like Paige was part of the inner circle as she joined the girls on their hunt for A. Sadly, the relationship didn’t last all the way to the end, but Emily pinned after Paige for quite some time and fans truly rooted for the two women to make it work in the long run.