Looking into a cheap IKEA crystal ball, images percolate and reveal exceptional glimpses into presumptuous futures. Not all Hollywood stars are built to last. Some simply can’t sustain, while others kick the present coin to the curb, and live off residuals, getting fat a la Marlon Brando. And some celebrities, they simply decide they hate Hollywood, and everything it stands for, then they bail. Based on pure speculation (with highly entertaining reason), we think that these 11 celebrities will most likely quit Hollywood.
11. Charlize Theron
Charlize Theron and Sean Penn recently called off their engagement, which is a good sign for the versatile actress; however, she has always seemed like she’s one bad day from throwing her hands in the air, saying “F*** it!” before pursuing a career in women’s beach volleyball… or before admitting she’s not from this planet and returning home. Seriously, what else is there for Charlize to do, other than continue to look far younger than she actually is? She’s played everyone, and everything (Monster) that she possibly could. She is the least likely in this mix to actually do it, but there is no person who’d be surprised if she someday said, “I’m done.”
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