Photo by Richard Young/REX
Back in April, hit singer Sam Smith, 22, was forced to cancel his Australian tour after discovering that he had some vocal haemorrhaging that could cause severe issues later if not dealt with properly.
“I am deeply, deeply saddened to tell my Australian fans, I have to cancel my Australian tour. I have been vocally exhausted for a while not however last night in Sydney I had a small haemorrhage on my vocal chords. The doctors have told me I need to fully rest until my vocal chords have healed, otherwise this could become a long term-issue,” he wrote on Instagram at the time.
Now, the Massachusetts General Hospital has confirmed that Smith has undergone a succesful vocal cord surgery last week to deal with the issue. “Sam Smith underwent vocal cord microsurgery by Dr. Steven Zeitels to stop recurrent vocal cord hemorrhage (bleeding). This condition is the result of unstable blood vessels in the vocal cord that can rupture and prevent vocal performance,” the hospital said in a statement.
Smith has been keeping everyone updated on his condition via his Instagram account as he celebrates his 22nd birthday today however he will be unable to sing for six to eight weeks in order to heal after the surgery.
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