Photo by Photofab/REX
This is one Lindsay Lohan issue that will just no go away for the famously troubled former child star.
Although the 28-year old has been sincerely trying to repair her reputation and get her life back on track after a series of incidents including trips to rehab, DUI’s and a car accident in 2012 in which Lohan was charged with reckless driving after her Porsche slammed into a tractor trailer, she cannot escape her past.
Nearly three years later, Lohan is still paying for the incident after she was ordered to perform even more community service hours on Wednesday Feb. 25 by a judge who was not satisfied with the completed hours she submitted.
Lohan was originally given 240 hours with a November 6, 2014 deadline date but as of that time had only completed around half, causing a lenient judge to give her an additional two months to finish up.
Leading up to the second court date many reports indicated Lohan was still nowhere done the hours but managed to finish them up shortly before court, however the judge instantly questioned them because some “community service” hours were listed as when she was performing on stage and meeting and greeting fans afterwards.
The paperwork was then under a two week investigation by the City Attorney to figure out exactly how Lohan completed the hours and with the investigation now complete, they are certainly not satisfied calling the work “unacceptable.”As a result the court has slapped Lohan with another 125 hours of service according to TMZ.
There is no word on how long she has to complete this round of community service time.
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