Photo by Photofab/REX
Let us give credit where credit is due. Lindsay Lohan has completed her 125 hours of community service.
There were many doubters–many who didn’t think she could do it. As reported earlier in May, Lindsay had only 10 of 125 hours of community service completed. In order to complete her hours, she basically needed to serve three 40 hour work weeks. According to her supervisors, she was able to pull it off.
Lindsay’s probation sentence was handed down in Los Angeles, but she was able to get her hours in at Brooklyn Community Services. BCS is a non-profit that is dedicated to offering the people of Brooklyn better lives. According to the organization’s website:
“Our mission is to empower at-risk children, youth and families, and adults with mental illness or developmental disabilities to overcome the obstacles they face, as we strive to ensure opportunity for all to learn, grow and contribute to ONE Brooklyn Community.”
Considering the organization Lindsay was able to work with, her hours probably did more good for her than she initially thought they ever could. She beamed about her time with BCS on social media, and assured her fans that she had completed all of her hours.
Now, Lindsay is waiting for a judge to sign off on her court-ordered community service, and if all goes without hitch, her probation will end today.
Here’s to hoping Lindsay has emerged from her shadows, and left most of her demons behind. It’s time for her to get back to form.
To see more on this story, check out the video below.