(Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)
It’s Seventeen Magazine. We can’t expect it to fully explore the depth that is the Biebs, but the expository piece for the June/July issue resonates with a recent and repeated sentiment: Justin’s sorry for being foolish.
Justin Bieber may never be accused of being the sharpest knife in the drawer, but his recent turnabout on past behavior was exactly the slice of life he needed to offer people increasingly perturbed by his behavior.
According to Justin, “I was rebelling a little bit. I was getting cockier and cockier. I didn’t have people to check me. I looked back and I was disappointed in myself.”
“A little bit” or “a lot” can be left to an argument of semantics, but it wasn’t the rebellious behavior that was an issue. It was the fact that he became a public nuisance and danger to society. Most teenagers rebel by not listening to their parents, drinking underage, staying out past curfew… Justin rebelled by renting exotic cars and racing them on city streets while under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
Now, the 21 year old says he’s working back toward the straight and narrow. He understands he needs better friends in his life to keep him in check, and present the accountability that is necessary to not become a total d-bag. We’ve all been there. We’ve all had moments of d-baggery. And you can flip the script.
Justin went on to speak on his future relationships. “I need healthy relationships with people I can feel safe with. People I can say whatever to, and I’m not going to be judged. In a girl, I want someone who’s confident in herself and honest. I have to find her very attractive and as someone I can see myself with for the rest of my life.”
Justin. Here’s some advice for you. Do it, and I predict all those things will fall into place for you. Seriously. Read more books. Classics. Biographies. Historical fiction. I know. It’s 2015, and I sound like a crazy person for suggesting such, but everyone should try it. Put down the phone. Read more books.