Mandatory Credit: Photo by David Dettmann/REX
It’s not always easy to be nice to your fans.
Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman to talk about her new film this week, getting booed by fans outside as she rushed out of her car and into the studio without stopping for autographs and photos.
Looking sexy in a curve-hugging red dress, the blond bombshell only stopped to wave. But perhaps sensing that her fans were disappointed, the 24 year-old took more time after the show to give her fans some love.
This time, Jennifer wore a black dress and strappy heels under her long black coat. But when a group of fans all lurched forward to get a closer look at her, the metal barrier between them started to fall, and the mob was about to consume her.
Jen’s security team grabbed her just in time and whisked her into her car. It was an intense moment — take a look at the video to see how it happened!
On The Late Show, she admitted that she has trouble with stress and ulcers. “I took some time off,” she explained. “I lost my mind. I don’t know how to explain how crazy I went.”
Maybe she went crazy because her fans are so intense?