Photo by Picture Perfect/REX
The Hills star Heidi Montag has some serious real-life drama to tend to with reports confirming that her father Bill Montag, 67, has been arrested on severe charges.
Bill was arrested on Thursday (Jan. 29) night at the Aspen Valley Ski and Snowboard Club in Colorado where he worked after a woman went to police claiming she had been abused for years by Bill.
A press release from the Aspen Police Department revealed he had been charged with “three counts of sexual assault on a child by one in a position of trust, and one charge of aggravated incest.”
It is not known how the woman is related to the Montag’s but it has been made clear that neither Heidi or her sister Holly were victims in the case.
Police records indicate the victim claims the abuse lasted for four years between the years of 1993 and 1998 when she was 14-17 years old however, “due to the statute of limitations, Montag is only eligible to be charged with crimes that occurred after July 1, 1996, when the victim would have been 16 years old,” news outlets are reporting.
Bill is denying all of the allegations while it appears his wife Terri Montag (Bill divorced Heidi’s mother Darlene in 1990) has disappeared, asking a friend to make sure her dogs are fed and taken care of.
Bill Montag was not featured on The Hills but did appear on the show to walk Heidi down the aisle for her wedding to Spencer Pratt in 2009.
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