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Former Gossip Girl star Kelly Rutherford would probably prefer the fake drama of her on-screen children over what she is dealing with in real life in probably one of the most lengthy and nastiest custody battles in Hollywood.
The 46-year old has been in a severe battle for her children with her ex-husband Daniel Giersch since 2010 and although they initially had shared custody of Hermes, 8, and Helena, 5, Giersch took the children with him back to Europe in 2012 and they have not been back to stay with their mother since.
On Thursday, June 11 Rutherford hit another roadblock after it was just ruled back in May that Rutherford had the right to sole custody and the children could return to the U.S. as now the children did not return on Monday as planned and court date has been postponed until July 9.
“No decision has yet been made,” Rutherford’s lawyer stated. “We believe strongly that the Monaco Court, which was improperly petitioned by Mr. Giersch, will ultimately recognize that its earlier actions in this matter have not substantially conformed with the Uniform Child Custody Jursidiction Enforcement Act. We are also confident that once the California Court hears all the evidence, it will choose to continue to retain jurisdiction over the matter, and will order the children back to California.”
Rutherford’s ex took the children with him to Europe after his visa was revoked in 2012 with the understanding that he would reapply to come live in the States yet again, however he has not done so. The cost of the battle has caused the star to file for bankruptcy.
Also Check Out: Hollywood’s 9 Nastiest Custody Battles