Ethan Miller/Getty Images
Sean Malone, an actor best known for his role as Skinny Ray Likanski in 2007’s Gone Baby Gone, has passed away after a near drowning accident put him in a coma, the Boston Fire Department confirmed on Wednesday, July 29. He was 54-years-old.
“9 days ago, off duty firefighters along with 3men and others raced to rescue Sean Malone from the ocean and give him a chance […] Sean Malone succumbed to his injuries this evening. [He was] surrounded by his son Sean, parents and siblings at Boston Medical Center,” the Fire Department’s official twitter read.
Malone had been hospitalized since July 20, 2015 when he nearly drowned while at a beach in South Boston after he swam too far out and was rescued by an off-duty firefighter Chris Flaherty. Unfortunately, by the time he reached Malone, he was already underwater and unconscious.
Flaherty was able to to flag down a nearby powerboat filled with teens who raced Malone back to shore where he received CPR and chest compressions from two more off-duty fire fighters. Despite their efforts, he remained in critical condition before passing away on Wednesday.
“His family would like to thank the dedicated staff at BMC, Boston EMS, those that rescued Sean and friends for their support. Deepest sympathies to Sean Malone’s family — including his brother– Boston Deputy ire Chief Scott Malone,” more tweets from the Department read.