Did Lea Michele Get Naya Rivera Fired From ‘Glee’?

Helga Esteb /

Did Lea Michele get Naya Rivera fired from Glee?

There’s been a lot of drama behind the scenes of the Fox TV show. Naya, 27, who plays the cheerleader Santana, has been noticeably absent from recent show promos. Sources say that she was written out of the show’s fifth season’s finale, which will air on May 13, and that her contract was not renewed for the show’s sixth season.

Naya’s agent stepped in to set the record straight: “Any reports or rumors circulating that Naya Rivera was let go or fired from Glee are absolutely untrue. End of story.”

Rumors have swirled that Naya doesn’t get along with Lea, 27, the show’s main star. Sources say Naya is jealous of Lea and that the two women talk trash behind each others’ backs. It’s now unclear if Naya will be back for season six, firing or not.

Naya did not address the controversy publicly, tweeting only positivity about the show’s most recent episode: “SO excited to watch Glee tonight! #doowop #shirleymaclaine #fancy.”

Naya is also trying to launch a music career outside of Glee; last September, she released her first single, “Sorry,” featuring her then-fiancé Big Sean. She will come out with a full album this year.

She also voiced a character in the upcoming animated film Home, which hits theaters in November.


Amanda Young