Photo by Greg Allen / Rex Features
It has been an excruciating week for the family of Bobbi Krisitina Brown as she has remained unresponsive since being found facedown in a filled bathtub on Saturday January 31.
After being rushed to the hospital in grave condition, Bobbi’s father, Bobby Brown, her longtime partner Nick Gordon and several other friends and family have stayed vigilant by her bedside hoping to see signs of improvement.
While there has been much hope for her recovery, it seems they are now preparing for the worst as People magazine is reporting that family is now coming together to say goodbye to the 21 year old and only child of the late Whitney Houston.
According to reports, on Wednesday February 4 a doctor informed her family that there is nothing more that can be done to help her as there is no improvement and she remains on life support.
“Everyone is coming to the hospital to say goodbye,” a family member told the magazine.
Family members are also saying that her father, Bobby, is having a hard time coming to grips with the state of his daughter, “Bobby has been crying nonstop since yesterday. We are grieving.”
Although hope is diminishing for Bobbi, the family isn’t ready to give up just yet, “It’s sinking in that this is it, but we’re all still praying God will intervene and heal her body.”
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