Anderson Cooper Shamed By Co-Workers On Live TV

lev radin /

Anderson Cooper is damn good at what he does… until he gets the giggles.

Cooper launched into his segment entitled, “RidicuList,” only to find the segment had been changed after he began working through the teleprompter scroll.

The topic was supposed to be focused on annoying habits, and inconsideration of fellow co-workers, roommates, family members, what-have-you. Before Anderson realizeed it, video for the segment was rolling, and the tables had been turned–a big plate of crow sat just in front of the journalist.

Anderson, being the witty guy that he is, quickly realized what was going on, and he went with it. Apparently, he is the co-worker who struggles with issues of courtesy toward his office mates. You know he’s not a slob, so what could the issue be?

According to those who work around Anderson: a basil scented candle.

Anderson explained the candle as a scent that helps him meditate, and focus on his work. His co-workers described the candle scent as a few other things, and none of them lead you to believe that it is even remotely enjoyable.

Regardless of how much you enjoy eating basil, e.g. divinely divvied on a great Caprese salad, there’s something about it’s odor that makes it only complimentary to other foods… not candle wax.

Like a champ, Anderson took his comedic chiding with lightheartedness, and with a lot of giggles. Nah, he didn’t lose it like he did with the Gerard Depardieu segment back in the day (after the French actor peed on the floor of a plane), but it’s still enjoyable to see Anderson Cooper “break character.”

To see it for yourself, check out the video below!


James Sheldon