There are some men in Hollywood who really love their mothers, which isn’t always good news for the women who date them. Sometimes these guys put their moms on pedestals, which puts their girlfriends at a disadvantage. Also, some of these moms can be pretty territorial about their sons, which is also bad news. All we know for sure is that it is pretty hard to compete for a man’s affection if his mom is in the race. We decided to track down some of these celebrity mama’s boys. Some of these men are married; however, most of them aren’t. The big question now is whether or not the vast majority of them will ever settle down. Here are 7 of Hollywood’s biggest mama’s boys!
7. Chris Evans
Chris Evans is unnaturally close with his mom. When he lost his virginity, the first thing he did was race home to tell her. “The first time I had sex, I raced home and was like, ‘Mom, I just had sex! Where’s the clit? Still don’t know where it is, man,” he told Details magazine. This is probably the kind of conversation he should have had with his father. Discussing the female anatomy with your mom is a bit weird.
His mother is his biggest supporter. According to him, she will actually cruise the Internet and pick fights with people who say nasty things about her son. “Yeah, she’s one of those moms,” he said. “She gets a little up in arms. The Internet is a big place where a lot of people can voice their opinions, and my mother chooses to pick fights with random people from all over the world who don’t have the nicest things to say about me.”
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