Even the most hardcore Dawson’s Creek fan can admit that it had its low points and awkward moments like all shows do. The notoriously overly articulate language of the young characters can be forgiven, but the same can’t be said of some of the storylines that were endured during the show’s run. Here are some examples of Dawson’s Creek episodes that just couldn’t be redeemed by elaborate language or Katie Holmes’ singing (for real!).
8. Discovery (Season 1, Episode 4)
The most ridiculous storyline on Dawson’s Creek may be one of the very first. Although it’s unfortunately true that teacher/student relationships occur, none are likely to be as romantically set as Pacey’s fling with teacher Tamara Jacobs. A flowering garden in the moonlight is the scene for their first intimate encounter, which happens to be caught on tape by Dawson himself, and the ridiculousness (and creepiness) of the storyline just keeps rolling along with the videotape. Pacey deserved so much better. Thank goodness he got there in the end!
Source: Columbia TriStar Television