There are so many celebrity conspiracy theories out there and many of them are completely crap. They are just so unbelievable that we don’t get why people even talk about them. Even mentioning them gives them credence that they don’t deserve. While we think it is part of our duty as celebrity gossip writers to refute the ridiculous ones, we do think we also have a duty to take a good hard look at the ones that have evidence to support them. We have collected 7 celebrity conspiracy theories that are actually believable. We are not saying that they are true though – they are just more believable than your average rumor.
7. Michael Jackson Was Chemically Castrated by Acne Medication
A French doctor by the name of Alain Branchereau alleges that Michael Jackson was chemically castrated as a child because he used the drug Cyproterone to fight acne. He came to this conclusion when after the world famous singer died. Brancherau noticed that he had “the voice of a castrato” and then became aware that he had been using the synthetic anti-male hormone Cyproterone for his skin when he was young.
“When he was 12, Michael Jackson had acne. We know this, he spoke about it himself as a tragedy. What I think could have happened is that his people suggested this miracle treatment,” he said. Cyrproterone “blocks puberty, the voice can’t mature.” The drug also stops body hair and the larynx from growing and affects bone growth. This is reportedly why Jackson’s voice never changed, even during his adolescence when it should have. None of this can really be proven though, which is why it is just a conspiracy theory.
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