LoLo Jones Has Awkward Meltdown On DWTS Premiere

Jaguar PS /

The most awkward, cringe-worthy moment of last night’s Dancing with the Stars premiere belongs to LoLo Jones.

The 32 year-old Olympic athlete botched her performance when she missed a sound cue — and the frustration was all over her face. Check out the video to see the less-than-stellar performance.

When it came time to account for her dancing with the judges, she said, “I make no excuses — it was awful.” But then she did make an excuse, blaming her mistakes on the music.

The most surprising — and most awkward — moment came when LoLo demonstrated the dance moves again in the middle of her critique to prove that she could indeed do them. After that, when the scores were revealed, her partner tried to give her a high five, but either she didn’t notice or she purposely rejected him and left him hanging.

You don’t get second chances in the Olympics OR in Dancing With the Stars, LoLo!

“Being an athlete will help me with rebounding physically every day but I’m not used to learning new material every day like the actors are used to,” LoLo said in an interview with Shape. “We all come in with some strength and some weaknesses.”

LoLo has been oustspoken about the fact that she’s a virgin and is waiting until marriage to have sex, adding that dancing might be difficult for her since she lacks intimacy experience with men.

Also Check Out: The New Cast Of Dancing With The Stars Season 19!


Amanda Young