Robert Downey Jr, is one of the most loved actors in the industry, pulling in audiences with many of his roles, thanks in large part to his turn as Iron Man, which has also helped him become the highest paid actor in Hollywood, but he isn’t getting love from everyone.
The producer of A Current Affair, Wayne Darwen, who also happens to be the inspiration behind Downey’s character in Natural Born Killers slammed the actor when he stated, “Junior was a lot more interesting when he was a substance-abusing, suffering artist — brave and silly enough to push the envelope,” according to Page Six.
Darwen continued blasting Downey for his treatment of journalists and independent filmmakers, adding, ” He should remember that it was the untamed spirit of the indie movement and the writings of journalists he now walks out on, that made him a name in the first place.”
Darwen’s slams of the highly-sought after actor are in reference to recent statements and actions made by Downey including walking out of an Avengers: Age of Ultron interview when a British reporter tried to ask him about his troubled and highly publicized past with addiction and his relationship with his father.
Downey also insulted indie films and the people behind them when he stated he would not get involved with one of those movies “because they’re exhausting and sometimes they suck and then you just go, ‘What was I thinking.?'”
Luckily for RDJ a whole lot of people still think he is very interesting and applaud the star for remaining sober for over 10 years after battling his addiction which almost cost him his career.
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