Photo by Picture Perfect/REX Shutterstock
Before going on the press tour for his highly anticipated film Jurassic World, funnyman turned action star Chris Pratt issued a preemptive apology for “whatever it is I end up accidentally saying” during the press tour for the movie in a lengthy and hilarious Facebook post.
Naturally Pratt has been honest and entertaining during press junkets, however maybe he was a little too honest when trying to explain things, using words he may not know the meaning of.
In an interview with Men’s Health U.K. Pratt discussed losing a bunch of weight and what his life was like when he was around 300 pounds, saying he was “impotent and depressed.”
As many were left scratching their heads at Pratt using the word impotent, it turns out he was confused as well by the word, which he revealed in a later interview with Access Hollywood. “I’m not sure I knew what ‘impotent’ meant when I said it. I had a lower sex drive, to be honest with you. Everything about my spirit was dull. I didn’t feel great, and I think people relate to that,” he explained.
Now that Pratt has that issue cleared up for everyone, all the focus was on the film which finally premiered in Hollywood on Tuesday, June 9 and it is already getting very good reviews.
Expectations were high as 1993’s Jurassic Park still stands as one of the best movies of the ’90s and for many it seems it has delivered after months of anticipation and more than 20 years since the original came out and 14 years since Jurassic Park III.