Photo by Broadimage/REX
Many people, including celebrities, share inspirational messages on social media; however, the one recently posted by supermodel Gisele Bundchen seems a little telling following the Deflategate scandal that recently surrounded her husband Tom Brady.
“Nobody is perfect. But you can’t keep using that as an excuse to do wrong or not try to improve,” her Instagram message read.
The quote could point to a few things including the scandal itself in which the New England Patriots quarterback was accused of being aware that equipment managers were deflating footballs during the AFC Championship game last season. However, also in the middle of all of that drama swirled rumors concerning Brady and Bunchen’s personal life. It was reported that she was consulting divorce lawyers and things were not looking good in the marriage.
It certainly seemed Bundchen was not in the relationship through thick and thin, bad and good, threatening to leave while his career was in turmoi;, however, now that his suspension has been overturned and Brady is playing, all is seemingly well between the two. “I’m a lucky man. I’ve been very blessed with support from my family and certainly her. There’s no bigger supporter than I have than her and vice versa. I’ve been very blessed to have an incredible relationship with my life partner,” Brady said on a Boston radio station on September 8.