James Atoa/Everett Collection
Country singer Joey Feek first revealed she was battling cancer in June 2014 and in October 2015 she announced she was no longer undergoing treatment to fight the disease, and has been updating fans on her condition through her This Life I Live blog.
The 40-year-old has now entered hospice care and her husband Rory has been updating the blog sharing very emotional pictures of Joey spending time with their 20-month-old daughter Indiana. “Yesterday I saw her down in front of her mama and they smiled and played and loved each other the way that only mamas and their little ones can. Afterwards, when Indy got sleepy, Joey held her and sang ‘In The Garden’ and other hymns as she softly stroked her silky-blonde hair. Perfect love filled that hospital room as we all held our breath and wiped our eyes.”
Rory also says that Joey keeps fighting just to spend as much time as she can with her daughter and has also been recording her voice in storybooks for Indiana to always have.
In one of his most recent updates, Rory reflected on their love story and Joey taking on his two daughters from a previous relationship and spoke of how Heidi and Hope came to visit Joey, writing, “She told them how much she loved them, and how proud she is of them. And how proud she is to be their mother. And then she talked with them about the one thing that she didn’t think she would ever have to talk with them about: Leaving them.”