Brandi Glanville Slams Tori Spelling

s_bukley /

Here’s your Christmas post to end all Christmas posts! ‘Tis the season to be a spiteful… real housewife of Hollywood!

Brandi Glanville is trying to morph her celebrity into celebrity commentary. Maybe she sees and opening while Melissa Rivers is in the midst of legal action following the her mother’s untimely passing?

Regardless, Brandi offered her $0.02 to US Weekly, playing the name-game, and offering quotes that we can recycle, and in the mix she hammered a few celebs she knows, and a few she doesn’t.

Caught in the ire of her crossfire: Tori Spelling. No, the two don’t know one another, but Brandi had some choice words about Tori: “What goes around, comes around.”

Sadly, Brandi may have hit a nail on the head with this one. Sure, the real housewife is hypersensitive when it comes to the subject of infidelity, but she was basically saying that Tori cheated on her ex-husband to be with Dean McDermott, and Dean did the same to be with her, so why would she expect any different down the line? OK, Brandi, good point.

She went on to comment on a few other celebrities: “Miley Cyrus is out of control, and I love every second of it.” “Justin Bieber needs a spanking, and not by a Brazilian supermodel.”

She went on to comment on a wholelotta celebrities, including LeAnn Rimes. Surprisingly, she stated that LeAnn is “a really good singer.” You gotta start somewhere. Most wish they’d start and finish in a cage match to the death, but since that’s never gonna happen, perhaps they can work together for the benefit of the real children that are bused back and forth from their residences.

To see more, check out the video below.


James Sheldon