Gregorio T. Binuya/Everett Collection
Actress Anne Hathaway has already overcome a huge obstacle in her acting career and, at only 32, her newest challenge is the raging battle of agesim in Hollywood.
The issue has been making headlines recently with many actors and actresses of various ages weighing in and now when her career is finally back in the upswing Hathaway’s problem is those looking for younger actresses.
“I can’t complain about it because I benefitted from it. When I was in my early twenties, parts would be written for women in their fifties and I would get them. And now I’m in my early thirties and I’m like, ‘Why did that 24 year old get that part?’ I was that 24 year old once, I can’t be upset about it, it’s the way things are,” she told Glamour U.K‘s October issue, which features her as the cover star. “All I can do right now is think that thankfully you have built up perhaps a little bit of cachet and can tell stories that interest you and if people go to see them you’ll be allowed to make more.”
Of course, Hathaway is just happy she is getting auditions again after being a pariah in Hollywood following a dramatic awards season in 2012 to 2013 where “Hathahaters” became a big thing.