Amy Adams Breaks Down Remembering Philip Seymour Hoffman

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Amy Adams recently appeared on the popular Bravo series, Inside the Actors Studio, hosted by the incomparable James Lipton. There, she shared memories of her work, as well as several memories of her co-workers.

When Amy Adams began speaking about her friend and former co-star, Philip Seymour Hoffman, it was not surprising to see her become emotional. Amy and Philip worked together twice. The first time in 2008, on John Patrick Shanley’s Doubt, and again in 2012 on Paul Thomas Anderson’s The Master.

Amy spoke fondly of Philip, and suggested that he was very different than most other people–that he had a very special way of looking at a person. It wasn’t at all surprising to hear her say such a thing, because you can see this personality trait in every character that PSH ever played. There was a genuine compassion in his approach to portrayal. Amy suggested that Philip Seymour Hoffman was also the type of individual who never looked through or beyond anyone. That he was always present in conversation, and able to see you.

The Oscar-nominated actress chose not to go on and on about her late friend, rather she politely declined to speak about him anymore. And I’m glad she did. She wasn’t at the Actors Studio to lead a memorial service.

Before they closed Amy’s episode, they did offer one more glimpse of Philip Seymour Hoffman, and his own appearance on the show some 14 years ago. They played the clip of Lipton asking the same question he asks to all guests: If heaven exists, what do you hope to hear God say as you come to the pearly gates?

To hear Philip’s answer, and see Amy speak about her friend, check out the video below.

Also Check Out: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Philip Seymour Hoffman!


James Sheldon