Elizabeth Goodenough/Everett Collection
As if Taylor Swift needed another reason to suggest she may be the biggest star on the planet right now. You know you are officially celebrity royalty when none other than Sir Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart ask to be part of your posse.
While most people look at them as two of most iconic and respected celebrities of the past couple of decades, it was them paying homage to Swift, which all began when McKellen actually recited Swift’s “Bad Blood” lyrics during a Yahoo! video interview.
With a delivery only McKellen could give, he read out: “Cause baby, now we got bad blood. You know it used to be mad love. So take a look at what you’ve done. ‘Cause, baby, now we got bad blood. Hey now we got problems, and I don’t think we can solve them. You made a really deep cut and, baby, now we got bad blood.”
The segment, of course, went viral. After, McKellen’s best friend and X-Men costar Patrick Stewart recited “Blank Space” on NPR’s Ask Me Another. He tweeted: “So @IanMcKellen recited Bad Blood and I did Blank Space on @NPRAskMeAnother. May we join the squad, @taylorswift13?”
Swift then responded enthusiastically tweeting a photo collage of the two friends with the message, “Thanks for reciting my lyrics, @IanMcKellen and @SirPatStew! You’ve made my day. You two are ULTIMATE Squad Goals.”
It didn’t end there as Stewart, 75, retweeted Swift’s reply and hilariously wrote, “OMG I DIE!!! (no really, I might. I’m old.)”