Adam Levine Hits Fan In The Head With Microphone After Throwing It

s_bukley /

Maroon 5’s frontman Adam Levine is one of those guys who can do no wrong in the eyes of his fans, even if he causes physical injury.

During a Maroon 5 concert in Toronto, Canada on Monday March 16, Levine became very frustrated when the P.A. sound system failed.

As he struggled to get the mic working again and again he finally just gave up and chucked it at the catwalk part of the stage, unfortunately for an up close fan being so close to her favorite band resulted in her getting hit in the head after the mic took a huge bounce off the stage into the group of fans.

Luckily for Levine he is smooth and probably avoided quite a lawsuit by rushing over to the fan, Stephanie, and pulling her up on to stage to make sure she was okay. She assured him she was fine, but he then gave her stage-side seat for the remainder of the concert because he felt so bad about her injury.

“Our first album came out in 2002, not one time in the history of our band’s career, that I can barely even believe exists, not one time has the P.A. failed, not one time, until tonight,” Levine explained to the entire audience after.

“In my flustered state I might have thrown my microphone on the ground and it might have bounced off the ground into poor, sweet Stephanie’s face. And why I was trying to get everybody to pay attention is because I felt so utterly terrible that I had perhaps wounded this young fan. So I brought her up stage, ran a little distraction so we could get our sh-t together. She is now enjoying the concert from the side of the stage as she should be. What we’re gonna do is, we’re gonna just pretend that none of that happened,” he finished to laughter and cheers from the crowd.

Also Check Out: 16 Celebrities Who Will Do Anything For A Fan

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Telisa Carter

Telisa Carter

Telisa enjoys learning and writing about all things entertainment in the world of Hollywood. When she isn't catching up on her favorite TV shows, she likes to read, and obsess over all things football.