Photo by Stewart Cook/REX
Mila Kunis has been quiet about her new baby — until now!
When the Jupiter Ascending actress popped by Ellen Degeneres’ talk show this week, she dished about her 4-month old daughter with fiancee Ashton Kutcher, Wyatt Isabelle Kutcher.
“She’s a really good baby. She was 9.5 pounds when she was born,” Mila revealed, surprising the audience.
Mila continued: “Because she was so big, she was like a hearty little thing; we skipped the newborn stage. And so she was like a good hearty eater.”
Get this: “Newborn never happened. Newborn diapers never happened. And newborn clothes never happened, 0-3. She’s 4 months old and wears 6-month clothing, 6-9. She’s a big girl, y’all!”
Little Wyatt must take after her father, who’s 6’2” (Mila is only 5’4”). Mila says Ashton is an “amazing dad,” adding, “I wouldn’t have done this by myself. He is 100 percent present.”
Mila says that if she goes back to shooting movies or TV shows she’ll need help. “I’m in a very specific place in my life where I could take time off, I did. And I don’t think that everybody has that privilege. I think that people nowadays have to go back to work right away and I didn’t, so I took advantage of it.”
The last question is this: have Mila and Ashton secretly gotten married?
Unfortunately, Mila played coy about that question, saying that her daughter is a Kutcher but not admitting if she’s one yet or not. Ellen took her silence as affirmation that they’re married. What do you think?