Photo by MediaPunch/REX
Is Ryan Reynolds straying from Blake Lively?
Blake, 27, posted to Instagram a photo of her husband Ryan, 38, standing on the red carpet of the Berlin Film Festival with Helen Mirren at the premiere of the pair’s new film, The Woman in Gold.
In the photo, Ryan is looking into Helen’s eyes — much too romantically for Blake’s taste. “Should I be concerned that my husband’s never looked at me this way?” she asked her followers.
Blake also added the hashtags #WhereAreThoseWanderingEyesReynolds, #HelenMirrenIsTheSexiestWomanAlive and #WomanInGold.
Check out the video to see the photo in question!
We can’t blame Ryan for giving Helen the googly eyes — she’s stunning. In a recent interview, Ryan also called Helen “the greatest show on Earth.”
“To spend time with her anywhere, let alone on a film set, is a ball,” he said in an interview with Vulture. “She’s just hysterical, and has no filter in the best possible way. She’s as humble as you’d hope someone in her position could possibly be, and she’s one of those magnetic personalities.”
He also defended his behavior: “Everybody who meets with her flirts with her,” Ryan said. “I don’t care who you are—guy, girl, fat, skinny, tall, short, gay, straight—everybody flirts with Helen Mirren.”
We don’t think you have anything to worry about, Blake! Check out the pic – and Blake’s post – in the video below: